Google app puts Search bar at the bottom of its browser

The Google app on Android now features a persistent Search bar at the bottom of any web result or Discover article you open.

This “Ask anything” Search bar appears at the bottom of the Chrome Custom Tab. It displays the four-color Google ‘G’ logo on the left, followed by the microphone and Lens buttons on the right. The logo appears misaligned and too close to the edge.

Tapping the bar takes you to the fullscreen Search page, where you can see your previous queries and receive other suggestions as you type.

While the bar reduces the visible area of the webpage slightly, it’s not a significant decrease. On some sites, you might miss the first paragraph. Users with the “AI tools while browsing” feature enabled in Search Labs see a different bar that takes up a bit more space. However, this feature does not seem active with the new bottom Search field. If you use the feature, you can access it by opening the overflow menu for “View page insights.”

This addition encourages more queries and might indicate a future shift of the Search bar to the bottom of the main app screen.

This change is visible across several devices, including tablets, after updating to the latest Google app beta (version 15.24).

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