• Genetic control for bone growth

    In mammals, only a small fraction, about 3%, of the genome is dedicated to coding proteins essential for life and development. However, genes do not operate in isolation; they are governed by other DNA segments known as enhancers. These enhancers function like switches, dictating when genes should be active or inactive. Researchers at the University […]

  • How to use ChatGPT to analyze PDFs for free

    From contracts to research papers, many critical documents arrive in lengthy PDF formats — encounters you’re bound to have in your lifetime, often filled with verbose language. AI can enhance your comprehension and save time in handling such content. ChatGPT acts as your assistant, capable of parsing through PDFs and available to assist with any […]

  • Another Alia Bhatt Deepfake Goes Viral, Fans Express Concern Over AI

    Alia Bhatt has once again become a victim of deepfake technology, sparking concern and outrage over its misuse. In a new deepfake video shared on Instagram, Alia Bhatt appears to be participating in the ‘get ready with me’ trend. The video shows her dressing in a black kurta and applying makeup. This isn’t the first […]

  • AI Photo Contest Winner Disqualified Over Real Picture of Flamingo

    A photographer who won an award in an Artificial Intelligence (AI) generated images competition for a photo of a flamingo has been disqualified because the image was actually genuine. According to The Guardian, Miles Astray submitted the striking photo titled “Flamingone” to the prestigious 1839 Awards, known for attracting entries from top photographers worldwide. The […]

  • Bi-folding Doors for Transforming Flexible Spaces

    Flexibility is a central theme of our era, impacting every aspect of life and challenging both individuals and their environments daily. Contemporary living and working spaces are characterized by adaptable layouts rather than rigid structures—whether it’s the versatile urban home or the flexible open-plan office that mirrors modern work philosophies. In response to constant change, […]

  • Searching for a female partner for the world’s “loneliest” plant

    In his book on the evolution of life, paleontologist Richard Fortey described Encephalartos woodii (E. woodii) as possibly the most solitary organism on Earth. This plant, native to South Africa, belongs to the cycad family—a group of robust plants with thick trunks and large, stiff leaves that form a majestic crown. Cycads have survived since […]

  • Elon Musk shares target date for fifth Starship test

    Elon Musk has announced that SpaceX is targeting late July for the fifth test flight of its Starship megarocket, which could be its most impressive yet. This upcoming flight aims to achieve a groundbreaking maneuver: catching the first-stage Super Heavy booster for the first time. This innovative approach would enable the booster to be reused […]

  • Sunita Williams and crew gear up for much-anticipated spacewalk

    NASA announced on Monday that seven crew members from Expedition 71, including Indian-origin astronaut Sunita Williams, have begun preparations for spacewalks and a range of advanced microgravity research aboard the International Space Station (ISS). The nine residents on the ISS are also engaged in maintaining electronic systems, life support systems, and orbital plumbing. The US […]

  • The Biggest Storm in The Solar System Might Not Be as Old as We Thought

    Jupiter’s Great Red Spot (GRS) is a prominent feature in our Solar System, known since the 1600s as a colossal anti-cyclonic storm larger than Earth, with winds exceeding 400 km/h (250 mph). Its formation and longevity have been debated, raising questions about whether it has been consistently observed over time. The GRS was possibly first […]

  • Study Confirms Rotation of Earth’s Inner Core Is Slowing Down, It Began Decreasing In…

    Scientists from the University of Southern California (USC) have confirmed that the Earth’s inner core is rotating more slowly than the planet’s surface. This groundbreaking research poses significant questions about planetary mechanics and could profoundly impact both Earth’s magnetic field stability and the length of our days, according to a report from Science Alert. Published […]

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